Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The cake masters (Peter & Trevor)
The cake turned out tasting pretty good! Only problem was that those boys had NO idea what they were doing and thus the entire middle of the square pan cake was total mush. Somehow, a dormful of college kids didn't really mind that their cake was in it's liquid state.

Trevor making the frosting/ being bad

Peter turning cake making into an art.

Birthday crown (from Aunt Pam!)

Birthday balloons
(I still haven't figured out who put them there!!)

This was on the outside of my door at 7am when I had to go to morning hills. You can see the small hole i crawled through on the right. Didn't even wake me roommate up. Ninja. America (my roommate) and Trevor were responsible.

I asked Trevor to get me a penguin for my birthday; he delivered. My plan for halloween is to somehow sew/make a Mrs. penguin costume to match.